The Effects of Quarantine on Mental Health

From The Perspective Of A Struggling Teen

We have all been stuck in quarantine for over a year now and I can safely say at this point everyone is struggling. With the rising death tolls, the skyrocketing infection rates, and now a new strand of covid has even started shaking the streets once again with another wave when we haven't even recovered from the first. In addition to that, isolation, depression, and anxiety are all on the rise as this pandemic continues. With all of these issues adding layers and layers of stress onto children and teenagers actross the world, its common sense that children are starting to become affected. Well apparently common sense isn't quite that common because people (parents especially) seem to be holding onto the expecting children to be able to push forward without consequence or issue in times like these and are giving no room for anything less. At least, in the case of my peers that I have talked to. Its a wonder when, or if, this pandemic will ever end. Even after it does, what will the lasting effects of this be?

For me at least, the last few months have been the hardest. I am struggling to balance school and a job at the same time while running on the fumes of motivation that I just can't find anymore and I can't see a safe end to this quarantine in the near future. Its hard for everyone, yes, but it feels like the effect of this quarantine on children and teens such as myself is being invalidated because Their lives aren't as stressful as an adult's because they don't have as much to worry about. Maybe thats partially true, maybe we don't have as much to wory about when compaired to adults, but we aren't adults. We don't have the years or the experience built up to deal with this stuff yet so it's no wonder we're struggling.

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